Metadata inferred during the templating process should be validated
by the user and missing info added. Use spreadsheet and text editors for
this process. Template specific guides are listed below.
- Tabular templates: Leave empty cells blank, don’t fill with
- Free-text templates: Keep template content simple. Complex
formatting can lead to errors.
abstract (.docx, .md, .txt)
Describes the salient features of a dataset in a concise summary much
like an abstract does in a journal article. It should cover what the
data are and why they were created.
methods (.docx, .md, .txt)
Describes the data creation methods. Includes enough detail for
future users to correctly use the data. Lists instrument descriptions,
protocols, etc.
Describes the data in a small set of terms. Keywords facilitate
search and discovery on scientific terms, as well as names of research
groups, field stations, and other organizations. Using a controlled
vocabulary or thesaurus vastly improves discovery. We recommend using
the LTER
Controlled Vocabulary when possible.
keyword One keyword per line
keywordThesaurus URI of the vocabulary from which
the keyword originates.
Describes the personnel and funding sources involved in the creation
of the data. This facilitates attribution and reporting.
givenName First name
middleInitial Middle initial
surName Last name
organizationName Organization the person belongs
electronicMailAddress Email address
userId Persons research identifier (e.g. ORCID). Links a persons research profile
to a data publication.
role Role of the person with respect to the data.
Persons serving more than one role are listed on separate lines
(e.g. replicate the persons info on separate lines but change the role.
Valid options:
creator Author of the data. Will appear in the data
PI Principal investigator the data were created
under. Will appear with project level metadata.
contact A point of contact for questions about the
data. Can be an organization or position (e.g. data manager). To do
this, enter the organization or position name under givenName
and leave middleInitial and surName empty.
- Other roles (e.g. Field Technician) will be listed as associated
parties to the data.
- Funding information is listed with PIs
projectTitle Title of project the data were created
under. If ancillary projects were involved, then add as new lines below
the primary project with the PIs info replicated.
fundingAgency Agency the project was funded
fundingNumber Grant or award number.
Describes how the data may be used. Releasing without restriction (CC0) or
with minimal attribution (CC BY) maximizes
value and future use.
Describes columns of a data table (classes, units, datetime formats,
missing value codes).
attributeName Column name
attributeDefinition Column definition
class Column class. Valid options are:
numeric Numeric variable
categorical Categorical variable
(i.e. nominal)
character Free text character strings
(e.g. notes)
Date Date and time variable
unit Column unit. Required for numeric
classes. Select from EML’s standard unit dictionary, accessible with
. Use values in the “id” column. If
not found, then define as a custom unit (see custom_units.txt).
dateTimeFormatString Format string. Required for
Date classes. Valid format string components are:
Y Year
M Month
D Day
h Hour
m Minute
s Second Common separators of format string
components (e.g. - / :) are supported.
missingValueCode Missing value code. Required for
columns containing a missing value code).
missingValueCodeExplanation Definition of missing
value code.
1, Example
Describes non-standard units used in a data table attribute
id Unit name listed in the unit column of the table
attributes template (e.g. feetPerSecond)
unitType Unit type (e.g. velocity)
parentSI SI equivalent (e.g. metersPerSecond)
multiplierToSI Multiplier to SI equivalent
(e.g. 0.3048)
description Abbreviation (e.g. ft/s)
Describes categorical variables of a data table (if any columns are
classified as categorical in table attributes template).
attributeName Column name
code Categorical variable
definition Definition of categorical variable
1, Example
Describes where the data were collected.
geographicDescription Brief description of
northBoundingCoordinate North coordinate
southBoundingCoordinate South coordinate
eastBoundingCoordinate East coordinate
westBoundingCoordinate West coordinate
Coordinates must be in decimal degrees and include a minus sign (-)
for latitudes south of the equator and longitudes west of the prime
meridian. For points, repeat latitude and longitude coordinates in
respective north/south and east/west columns.
Describes biological organisms occuring in the data and helps resolve
them to authority systems. If matches can be made, then the full
taxonomic hierarchy of scientific and common names are automatically
rendered in the final EML metadata. This enables future users to search
on any taxonomic level of interest across data packages in
taxa_raw Taxon name as it occurs in the data and as
it will be listed in the metadata if no value is listed under the
name_resolved column. Can be single word or species binomial.
name_type Type of name. Can be “scientific” or
name_resolved Taxons name as found in an authority
authority_system Authority system in which the
taxa’s name was found. Can be: “ITIS”, “WORMS”, “or”GBIF“.
authority_id Taxa’s identifier in the authority
system (e.g. 168469).
Describes source datasets. Explicitly listing the DOIs and/or URLs of
input data help future users understand in greater detail how the
derived data were created and may some day be able to assign attribution
to the creators of referenced datasets.
Provenance metadata can be automatically generated for supported
repositories simply by specifying an identifier (i.e. EDI) in the
systemID column. For unsupported repositories, the systemID column
should be left blank.
dataPackageID Data package identifier. Supplying a
valid packageID and systemID (of supported systems) is all that is
needed to create a complete provenance record.
systemID System (i.e. data repository) identifier.
Currently supported systems are: EDI (Environmental Data Initiative).
Leave this column blank unless specifying a supported system.
url URL linking to an online source (i.e. data,
paper, etc.). Required when a source can’t be defined by a packageID and
onlineDescription Description of the data source.
Required when a source can’t be defined by a packageID and
title The source title. Required when a source
can’t be defined by a packageID and systemID.
givenName A creator or contacts given name.
Required when a source can’t be defined by a packageID and
middleInitial A creator or contacts middle initial.
Required when a source can’t be defined by a packageID and
surName A creator or contacts middle initial.
Required when a source can’t be defined by a packageID and
role “creator” and “contact” of the data source.
Required when a source can’t be defined by a packageID and systemID. Add
both the creator and contact as separate rows within the template, where
the information in each row is duplicated except for the givenName,
middleInitial, surName (or organizationName), and role fields.
organizationName Name of organization the creator
or contact belongs to. Required when a source can’t be defined by a
packageID and systemID.
email Email of the creator or contact. Required
when a source can’t be defined by a packageID and systemID.
Adds semantic meaning to metadata (variables, locations, persons,
etc.) through links to ontology terms. This enables greater human
understanding and machine actionability (linked data) and greatly
improves the discoverability and interoperability of data in
id A unique identifier for the element being
element The element being annotated.
context The context of the subject (i.e. element
value) being annotated (e.g. If the same column name occurs in more than
one data tables, you will need to know which table it came from.).
subject The element value to be annotated.
predicate_label The predicate label (a.k.a.
property) describing the relation of the subject to the object. This
label should be copied directly from an ontology.
predicate_uri The predicate label URI copied
directly from an ontology.
object_label The object label (a.k.a. value)
describing the subject. This label should be copied directly from an
object_uri The object URI copied from an
additional_info (.docx, .md, .txt)
Ancillary info not captured by any of the other templates.